方案一: 通过ExinCore API进行币币交易
提供了基于Mixin Network的币币交易API.
你可以支付USDT给ExinCore, ExinCore会以最低的价格,最优惠的交易费将你购买的比特币转给你, 每一币交易都是匿名的,并且可以在区块链上进行验证,交易的细节只有你与ExinCore知道!
ExinCore 也不知道你是谁,它只知道你的UUID.
你先需要创建一个机器人, 方法在 .
正如教程一里我们介绍过的, 我们需要依赖 mixin-node-client, 你应该先安装过它了, 这儿我们再安装其它的软件包.
yarn add fast-csv inquirer msgpack5 path pem-file复制代码
npm i fast-csv inquirer msgpack5 path pem-file复制代码
充币到 Mixin Network, 并读出它的余额.
通过ExinCore API, 可以进行BTC, USDT, EOS, ETH 等等交易, 此处演示用 USDT购买BTC 或者 用BTC购买USDT。交易前,先检查一下钱包地址。 完整的步骤如下:
- 检查比特币或USDT的余额,钱包地址。并记下钱包地址。
- 从第三方交易所或者你的冷钱包中,将币充到上述钱包地址。
- 再检查一下币的余额,看到帐与否。(比特币的到帐时间是5个区块的高度,约100分钟)。
let aesKey = ''; const privateKeyBytes = pem.decode(Buffer.from(data[0])); const aesKeyBuffer = await oaepDecrypt( Buffer.from(data[1], 'base64'), privateKeyBytes, 'SHA-256', Buffer.from(data[2]) ); aesKey = Buffer.from(aesKeyBuffer).toString('base64'); // console.log(aesKey); const newUserConfig = { clientId: data[3], aesKey: aesKey, privateKey: data[0], sessionId: data[2], clientSecret: "do not need", assetPin: data[4]}; // console.log(newUserConfig); const newUserClient = new HttpClient(newUserConfig); if ( args.type === TYPE_ASSETS_INFO ) { const assetsInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAssets(); console.log(assetsInfo); } else if (args.type === TYPE_BITCOIN_INFO) { // console.log('You choice to 1:', args); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID); console.log("Bitcoin address is ", assetInfo.public_key); console.log("Bitcoin balance is ", assetInfo.balance); console.log("Bitcoin price is (USD) ", assetInfo.price_usd);复制代码
if ( args.type === TYPE_FETCH_USDT_MARKETINFO ) { // Make a request var instance = axios.create({ baseURL: 'https://exinone.com/exincore/markets', timeout: 3000, headers: { 'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'} }); instance.get('?base_asset=' + USDT_ASSET_ID) .then(function(response) { console.log(response.data.data); }); } else if ( args.type === TYPE_FETCH_BTC_MARKETINFO ) { var instance = axios.create({ baseURL: 'https://exinone.com/exincore/markets', timeout: 3000, headers: { 'X-Custom-Header': 'foobar'} }); instance.get('?base_asset=' + BTC_ASSET_ID) .then(function(response) { console.log(response.data.data); }); }复制代码
在第二章里,, 我们学习过退还用户比特币,在这里,我们除了给ExinCore支付币外,还要告诉他我们想购买的币是什么,即将想购买的币存到memo里。
const bytes = Buffer.from( BTC_ASSET_ID.replace(/-/g, ''), 'hex');const memo = msgpack .encode({ A: bytes, }) .toString('base64');console.log(memo);复制代码
转币给ExinCore时,将memo写入你希望购买的币,否则,ExinCore会直接退币给你! 如果你想卖出比特币买入USDT,调用方式如下:
const EXIN_BOT = "61103d28-3ac2-44a2-ae34-bd956070dab1";const BTC_ASSET_ID = "c6d0c728-2624-429b-8e0d-d9d19b6592fa";const EOS_ASSET_ID = "6cfe566e-4aad-470b-8c9a-2fd35b49c68d";const USDT_ASSET_ID = "815b0b1a-2764-3736-8faa-42d694fa620a";//change to your third exchange/cold btc wallet addressconst BTC_WALLET_ADDR = "14T129GTbXXPGXXvZzVaNLRFPeHXD1C25C";const EOS_WALLET_NAME = "huobideposit";const EOS_WALLET_TAG = "1872050";//change to your mixin messenger account 's uuidconst MASTER_UUID = "0b4f49dc-8fb4-4539-9a89-fb3afc613747";else if ( args.type === TYPE_EXCHANGE_BTC_USDT ) { // Pack memo const bytes = Buffer.from( USDT_ASSET_ID.replace(/-/g, ''), 'hex' ); const memo = msgpack .encode({ A: bytes, }) .toString('base64'); console.log(memo); // gaFBxBDG0McoJiRCm44N2dGbZZL6 const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet 's BTC balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= 0.0001 ) { const Obj = { assetId: BTC_ASSET_ID, recipientId: EXIN_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: "0.0001", memo: memo, } console.log(Obj); newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); } else { console.log("Not enough BTC!"); }}复制代码
else if ( args.type === TYPE_EXCHANGE_USDT_BTC ) { // Pack memo const bytes = Buffer.from( BTC_ASSET_ID.replace(/-/g, ''), 'hex' ); const memo = msgpack .encode({ A: bytes, }) .toString('base64'); console.log(memo); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(USDT_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet 's BTC balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= 1 ) { const Obj = { assetId: USDT_ASSET_ID, recipientId: EXIN_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: "1", memo: memo, } console.log(Obj); newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); } else { console.log("Not enough USDT!"); }}复制代码
- getSnapshots 读取钱包的交易记录。
if ( args.type === TYPE_READ_SNAPSHOTS ) { const prompts = [ { name: 'datetime', type: 'input', message: "Input iso8601 datetime: ", }, ]; const answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); console.log(answers); console.log(encodeURIComponent(answers.datetime)); const snapshots = await newUserClient.getSnapshots({ limit: 10, asset: USDT_ASSET_ID, offset: answers.datetime, order: "ASC"}); // console.log(snapshots); snapshots.forEach(function(element) { if ( element.amount > 0) { if ( element.data != null ) { console.log(element.amount); console.log(element.data); const buf = Buffer.from(element.data, 'base64'); console.log(msgpack.decode(buf)); const codeInt = msgpack.decode(buf).C; if ( codeInt === 1000 ) { console.log("Successful Exchange"); } else { console.log("Go to there get more info https://github.com/exinone/exincore#code error code: " + codeStr);} const hexStr = Buffer.from(msgpack.decode(buf).FA).toString('hex'); const uuid = `${hexStr.slice(0,8)}-${hexStr.slice(8,12)}-${hexStr.slice(12,16)}-${hexStr.slice(16,20)}-${hexStr.slice(20)}`; console.log("Asset uuid is :" + uuid); const priceStr = msgpack.decode(buf).P; console.log("Price is :" + priceStr); const feeStr = msgpack.decode(buf).F; console.log("Fee is :" + feeStr); console.log("percent of Fee is :" + (feeStr/element.amount)* 100 + " %"); const tStr = msgpack.decode(buf).T; console.log("T is :" + tStr); } } });}复制代码
Make your choose 16: Read snapshotsYou choice to : { type: '16: Read snapshots' }You wallet is : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761? Input iso8601 datetime: 2019-04-08T05:16:33.615253Z{ datetime: '2019-04-08T05:16:33.615253Z' }2019-04-08T05%3A16%3A33.615253Z0.5228004hqFDzQPooVCnNTI0OC45OKFGqTAuMDAxMDQ5OKJGQcQQgVsLGidkNzaPqkLWlPpiCqFUoVKhT8QQeJyt3MrqSGOpbqzFXy5JUw=={ C: 1000, P: '5248.98', F: '0.0010498', FA:, T: 'R', O: }Successful ExchangeAsset uuid is :815b0b1a-2764-3736-8faa-42d694fa620aPrice is :5248.98Fee is :0.0010498percent of Fee is :0.2008032128514056 %T is :R You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761复制代码
if (args.type === TYPE_BITCOIN_INFO) { // console.log('You choice to 1:', args); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID); console.log("Bitcoin address is ", assetInfo.public_key); console.log("Bitcoin balance is ", assetInfo.balance); console.log("Bitcoin price is (USD) ", assetInfo.price_usd);}复制代码
- node bitcoin-wallet-nodejs.js 编译项目.
Make your choose(select the uuid for open the specified wallet): 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761 You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761 You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761 ? Make your choose (Use arrow keys)
- 0: Read All Asssets Balance
- 1: Read Bitcoin Balance & Address
- 2: Read USDT Balance & Address
- 3: Read EOS Balance & Address
- 4: Transfer BTC from Bot to Wallet
- 5: Transfer EOS from Bot to Wallet
- 6: Transfer BTC from Wallet to Master
- 7: Transfer EOS from Wallet to Master
- 8: Verify Wallet PIN
- 9: BTC withdraw
- 10: EOS withdraw
- 11: Fetch BTC withdrawal info
- 12: Fetch EOS withdrawal info
- 13: Fetch USDT Market info
- 14: Fetch BTC Market info
- 14: Transfer 0.0001 BTC buy USDT
- 15: Transfer USDT $1 buy BTC
- 16: Read snapshots
- Exit